Political Sociology is comparatively a new subject of study but has occupied a good position in the discipline of social sciences. The topics covered in this subject were earlier studies either in Political Science or Sociology. Present volume which in all has 37 chapters has reasonably good coverage. It opens as usually with Nature and Scope of the subject and its relation with other social science subjects. A controversy has been raised as whether this subject should be titled Folitical Sociology or 'Sociology of Politics'. A Chapter has been devoted to its. A chapter each is devoted to the views of such political sociologists as Max Weber, Kar Marx and Mahatma Gandhi. Similarly a Chapter is also devoted to Political Development, Political Modernisation, Political Leadership, Political Power and Politicalisation. Some other topics which have drawn particular attention and to which a chapter each has been devoted include Political Communication, Political Culture, Political Elites and Political Socia1ation.
The Volume also covers topics like morality political and social and social stratification. State has always been of great concern of both Political Scientists and Sociologist and as such it has always drawn the attention of political thinkers and sociologists. Accordingly a chapter each has been spared or 'Origin of the state', 'Functions and Forms of State, the concept of State and Spencer Theory of the State.
Mass movements always draw the attention of authorities and are of great political and social significance. Chapter 23 exclusively deals with it. In modern society Bureaucracy is playing an important role in all forms of government. Chapters 33-34 deal with it. Among other topics which have drawn the attention of author include the Concept of Authority, Powerstructure are urban and rural areas, Revolution are Group Theory of Politics.
Efforts have been made to give wide coverage to each topic with imited space. It has been written in jargon free simple language. Q-A form in which the book has been written has deliberately been chosen as it appeals the student community, the most Authorities on the subject, where necessary, have been quoted to whom go my thanks. I hope that like my previous volumes it will also have the patronage of all concerned.
I am thankful to my publishers for early bringing out of this volume. Without their cooperation it would not have been so soon in your hands.
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