Steel frame work of a country is its public administrative set up. On its smooth and efficient working depends a nation's development and progress. Each country has its own administrative system and organisation, which evolves and grows to suit its needs. It is expected of a good public administrative system to keep pace with changing times. Whereas it should not be too rigid at the same time it should also not be very flexible.

Present volume is an attempt at comparatively studying public administrative systems of some major countries of the world like U.K. the U.S.A., France and Japan. It can broadly be divided in two parts. Part I deals with theoretical aspects of the study of Public Administration system whereas Part II is devoted to practical working of the administrative systems of above mentioned four countries. Whole approach is comparative.

In Part - I such issues have been dealt with as nature, concept and scope of Public Administration; significance and growth of Comparative Public Administration; its evolution; its relationship with environments and various approaches to the study of the subject. It is again in this part that Weber's views about ideal type bureaucratic model and authority and Riggs' typology of societies have been discussed at some length. A chapter is devoted to the study of development administration and administrative development. This Part of the Volume has as many as eight chapters.

In Part-II of the volume a chapter each deals with administrative systems of U.K.; the U.S.A. and France; Political executive in U.K; in the U.S.A. and in Japan. Chapter 14 of the volume is a comparative study of civil services in U.K. and Japan; whereas Chapter 15 deals exclusively with department system in U.K. State and local administrative machineries of these select countries have been taken up in the next chapter. One of salient features of the U.S. administrative system is, its Independent and Regulatory Commissions. Chapter 17 exclusively deals with the organisation and working of these Commissions. Last chapter of the volume acals with the methods devised by these countries for the redressal of grievances of the people.

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