European History is studied as a compulsory subject and it forms an important part of the History syllabus in Indian Universities. The teachers also take much interest in expounding the subject, the reason being that the History of Europe is a stirring record of the progress of liberty and human development. The Renaissance, the Reformation, the French Revolution and the Rise of Nationalism and Democracy are events that have aroused world-wide interest and their history is read with great enthusiasm everywhere. In India also the interest in these epoch-making events which have contributed much to civilization is very keen and a comparative study of Oriental and Western History is compelled by the adoption of European ideas, methods of government and policies in countries outside Europe and America. As the subject is vast, attention has been confined mainly to Political History, but important developments in the social and economic fields have also been touched upon. They will undoubtedly serve as an incentive to those who will pursue further studies in subject. It is a difficult task to condense the entire history of Europe in a small space, for it is in reality the history of several countries and sometimes the events are so entangled with each other that the ordinary reader is confused in following the inter-connection of various complications of European importance. Every effort has been made to explain the facts with lucidity and clarity and the history of every country has been fitted into the texture of the whole history of Europe from 1453 to 1789 A. D. Dr. Ishwari Prasad was the Head of Department of at Allahabad University. He was also elected the Member of Legislative council from the graduate constituency for three terms continuously. He was conferred Padma Bhusan by the President of India for his contributions
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