History of Medieval India From 647 to 1526 A.D. Dr. Ishwari Prasad, Padma Bhushan It is a matter of great satisfaction that this book has been found useful by students of Indian history not only in India but also in Europe. It has been translated into French and forms a part of the Historie dumonde edited by Professor E. Cavaignac of Strassbourg University. The author tried to meet in this edition the criticisms that have been offered from time to time by competent scholars, and have added new information wherever possible. The field of scholarship is vast enough to induce humility in the proudest of men. Medieval India is a historical story which arouses the spirit of the reader by placing before them lives of great men. It is a record of progress and development and events which shaped the future. Padma Bhushan Dr. Ishwari Prasad has made a solid contribution to historical scholarship for which we are indeed proud. The book is being published after a long gap. My father Dr. Ishwari Prasad inspired me and kindled a love for historical studies. I hope all history lovers will share my joy in publication of History of Medieval India.
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