Since becoming a member of the physical education profession, it has been the author's observation that there is a definite need for a book that presents the basic facts concerning the nature and scope of physical education. Therefore, this book has been written. The author attempts to answer questions which would be raised by a student, teacher, administrator, parent, or other interested person, such as : What is the meaning and what are the objective of physical education, what have been the changing attitude toward this field of endeavor, and what are its relationships to allied areas? What are the biological, psychological, and sociological foundations of physical education? What preparation should physical educators have, what kind of work do they perform, where do they do it, and what is the need for their services? What qualifications are needed in their work, what problems and challenges will they meet on the job, and what does the future hold for their profession. In the troubled times through which the world is passing, many opportunities are presenting themselves of the field of physical education. Through well-organized physical education programs individuals can be made more physically and mentally fit for the arduous duties they are being required to perform. Furthermore, the importance of democratic principles in day-to-day living can be more fully realized. It is hoped that in some measure this book will help the profession of physical education to realize its potentialities.

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