HISTORY OF ECONOMICS THOUGHTS Lewis H. Heney, Professor of Economics, New York University, is considered as one of the most prominent thinkers of the century on economic thought. He has in this work presented a critical account of the whole development of economic thought of the leading nations of the western world. While describing in a highly interesting manner the evolution of economics as a science, he has given the quintessence of all the founding fathers of modern economic and the different schools of economic thought as they acted and reacted on each segment of economic theory and practice. He has also brought out the most important relations of economic thought with philosophy and environmental conditions. The general plan of procedure in dealing with an individual economist has been first to indicate briefly the pertinent circumstances of his environment, both objective; and subjective; then to discuss his economic thought concluding with a statement of his logical method and philosophy. Any noteworthy point which is associated with an economist's name has generally received attention. The text-book is designed to cater to the needs of the ever-growing number of advanced students who look for a fair and well-rounded account of the leading economists.

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