A Short History of Muslim Rule In India From the Advent of Islam to the death of Aurangzeb Dr. Ishwari Prasad, Padma Bhushan The purpose of the present book is to provide a general history of Muhammadan rule in India up to the death of Aurangzeb for the use of teachers in secondary schools and students in Indian Universities. The want of a book of this kind has long been felt. The older histories of the middle ages by European writers have now become inadequate and out of date owing to the rapid progress of knowledge in recent times. Most of the errors based on imperfect acquaintance with the original sources are repeated in all text-books, and the student of history, who aims at precise knowledge, demands more than what is contained in Elphinstone, Lane-Poole, and Vincent Smith. Excellent as they are in their own way, they are found sketchy in these days. The author has kept the requirements of the modern students always in view, and he hopes he has done his best to meet them. The earlier portion of the book is largely an abridgement of the author's History of Mediaeval India with which students of history are already familiar. The sketch of Mughal history, which is new, is fairly full, and will be found useful by those who will consult it, whether for the purpose of passing an examination or acquiring a knowledge of Indian history during the Mughal period. The best authorities on the subjects, original as well as secondary, have been utilized, and no topic of importance has been omitted. Attempt has been made to awaken the critical faculty of students by discussing controversial matters and by presenting the views of different writers in regard to them. The professed object of this volume is to present to the reading public a concise and readable narrative of the achievements of Muslim rulers, both Mughal and pre-Mughal, up to the death of Aurangzeb. A Short History of Muslim Rule In India is a complete narrative of Mohammedan Rule in India, unbiased and authoritative. Padma Bhushan Dr. Ishwari Prasad devoted himself to history with a complete singleness of purpose. We have been privileged to have had close association with him. The book is a historical research of excellence. We share the joy of all history lovers in receiving it in print after a long gap.

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