Product Code: 978-81-229-0504-5
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Rs 275
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India resides in villages and inspite of rural migration to the urban areas 80 percent of the total Indian population still lives on rural side. Agriculturist are still illiterate, superstition ridden and poor. They are thin, lean and pale and cannot afford to have nutritive food and health care facilities. By and large they have not taken to mechanized system of cultivation. They are God fearing, simple living and possess many virtues of an ideal citizen. They believe in maintaining good neighbourily relations and have face to face contacts with each other. Caste system still predominantly is visible in their every activity. Gradually class is replacing caste, though many believe that caste is getting deeper roots in village India day by day. By now in the villages there is sufficient political awakening-thanks to the system of universal adult franchise. There is however, a desperate need for rural reconstruction in every walk of life.
Present volume on Rural Sociology is a humble attempt of the author to deal with a very important area of study. The problems of rural Indian and rural sociologists are both serious and very many. The volume opens with such introductory topics as nature, scope, origin, utility and methods of the study of the subject. It then deals with the relation of Rural Sociology with other social science subjects and some basic concepts which need clear understanding by all those concerned with the study of the subject. A chapter each is devoted to Little Community and Present Society; History of Village People, Village Community, Comparison between urban and rural societies and also Changing Scene of Indian Villages. In rural India there is great love for religion, ancient culture and observance of Sanskaras. These topics have been paid due attention.
Inspite of 71 years of Indian independence rural India is faced with the problems of illiteracy, poverty, indebtedness, unemployment, housing, health and ecology. These have become chronic by now. Attention has been paid to these and methods for their eradication have been suggested in this volume. In India village panchayat system is very old. An attempt has been attempted to discuss how it was in the past and what attempts have been made in independent India to revive the system and what efforts have been put for village reconstruction by way of community development Programme, organizing cooperative credit societies, cooperative farming, etc. A chapter each is also devoted to Bhoodan, Sarvodaya movements and Green Revolution.
Throughout the volume care has been taken to see that the language is simple and understandable. Author have deliberately avoided long quotations full of difficult jargons which make understanding of topics difficult and tedious. Efforts have been made to see that no important topic is left out.