Product Code: 978-81-229-0503-8
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Rs 325
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Introduction to Sociology by
Dr. Hans Raj
Each society is faced with many problems of serious magnitude which are not only ever- increasing but no-where near solution. Present volume, which has as many as 32 chapters including the one dealing with constitutional provisions about scheduled castes and scheduled tribes , in addition to glos sary of sociological terms and select bibliography , is rich in material each chapter opens with a narrative on the topic underdiscussion followed by objective questions, which in all are in thouands. The volume has extensive coverage, which starts with human evolution, human culture, individual and society, social institutions , organisations and processes. It also covers kinship , marriage, family and various types of economic, olitical and social systems. In addition, such current topics as social . Stratification, caste, class and village and Urban communities as well as tribal, agrarian and industrial societies have been prominently discussed in ‘introduction to sociology’
About the Author Dr. Hans Raj (born 1928), till recently Director in Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi , is presently ICSSR Senior Fellow at indian Law Institude, New Delhi. He is an eminent author Known for his analytical Writings. His works have wide accept ability both becaouse of rich and authentic material and lucid way of presentation. He has research aptitude and directed as well as completed several research projects of indian council of social science Research, New Delhi and Indian council of historical research, New Delhi He life member of several academic bodies and organisations. His lastest publication which raises policy issues of far reaching significance is Re- thinking presidency and parlia- ment in india.