Introduction to Guidance Crow & Crow An Introduction to Guidance, second edition, is a basic text which surveys guidance and the adjustment experiences of both younger and older persons in the home and school, and in occupational, social, and civic activities. Various types of problem situations and behavior are presented in order to orient the student to the difficulties of adjustment for differing individuals. Pertinent areas of discussion include distribution of guidance responsibilities; importance of the guidance point of view in formulating and revising curriculums; organization and implementation of guidance services; guidance in group and individual situations; the procedure of gathering data about a counselee and imparting information to him; and school, home, and community co-operation. The authors believe that guidance should be regarded as a continuous service, available to anyone who seeks it. Hence, in a series of chapters organized according to age or grade level, the continuing needs of individuals from childhood through adulthood are nalyzed and appropriate counseling techniques suggested. Special attention is given to the guidance needs of the physical, mental, emotional, and social deviate. An Introduction to Guidance, second edition, while it is designed primarily as a textbook, will be useful as a survey book for anyone interested in helping others. Men and women who are planning to prepare for careers in guidance or personnel services will need to continue their studies in specific are. The book should be especially useful for students in preparation for counseling and for counselors who want a handy reference as they help individuals of any age achieve life adjustment.

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